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09/18 HS Announcements

Posted Date: 09/18/2024

09/18 HS Announcements

Please make sure you have a vehicle registration form on file in the office if you are driving to school.  Stop by Erin’s desk if you need a form.

We have had some airpods turned in at the office.  If you are missing some, please stop by to see if they are yours.

We are collecting money in the office for several things.  We’re taking money for football sack lunches, NHS shirts and dues, VB warm ups, and FBLA dues.  If you have any money to turn in, please bring it to the office.

FBLA dues are due on September 25 and are $25.  You can turn that in at the office.

Seniors, if you have not yet done so, please be sure to fill out the senior survey and the homecoming class shirt survey at the beginning of seminar today.  The senior survey needs to be completed by noon today and the shirt survey must be completed by the end of the day.

Homecoming t-shirts orders are due tomorrow.  If you need an order form, please stop by the office.

There will be a representative from Iowa Western Community College here today at 10:30.  If you are interested, please check in with your seminar and then head to the library.