The Hudson Community School District’s Preschool program is developmental and its philosophy is to meet each child at their present level and provide them with a variety of experiences to further their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development.
The Hudson Preschool will hold classes for students on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays. There will be two sessions on each of these days and each session will be three (3) hours in length.
Qualifying children must be four years of age by September 15 to be eligible for participation in our Preschool program since this program is funded through the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program, which allows for one year of participation for each student.
Exceptions to this qualifier will be made for children of 3 years of age which have been identified by the Central Rivers AEA as being entitled to special education instructional services, which are to be provided by the Hudson Community School District.